The Nordic way of life has been able to seduce all interiors through the comforting appearance of the Scandinavian style. With its natural elegance, purified effect and functionality, this style has enjoyed an exceptional aura among both private and professional customers.

Interior design: what is Scandinavian style?

Simply put, Scandinavian style interior design is described by clean-lined furniture and objects, a no-frills look with the use of natural materials like wood and light colours. The idea comes from Scandinavia, a historical region in Northern Europe that includes Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The Scandinavian style, combining simplicity and functionality above all, is an original design adopted to highlight many of the specificities of the Northern European region. The first of the design approaches takes into account the climatic stresses of northern Europe, including the harsh winters, justifying the bright rooms and vivid colours.

Decoration: wood as the star material of Scandinavian style

You want to adopt a Scandinavian style decoration in your home. You should know that wood is the primary material of the style. The countries of northern Europe are known for their wild nature and dense forests, as in the Scandinavian Alps. They use their own resources to enhance their interiors. Wood should be used everywhere in your living room: tables, chairs, beds, bookcases. Not only that, you should also use wood from the floor to the ceiling of your home. As for the covering, the Scandinavian style always gives pride of place to natural materials such as wool for rugs, cotton for curtains and wooden bed sheets.

What about the colour of the Scandinavian style?

In addition to the material, Scandinavian style decoration is characterised by the choice of particularly light colours. The Nordic countries favour white for walls, floors, ceilings and even wooden furniture. The idea is to bring a maximum of light into the interior. And to avoid using too much bright colour in their decoration, they add a nuanced tone with grey, beige or even pastel. The Scandinavian style is also recognisable by the presence of bright prints, often in geometric shapes, on their interior objects and designs reminiscent of nature, such as reindeer, one of the emblematic animals of the Nordic countries.